Collection: Beginner Experience 2024

Welcome to the August 2024 Bra Sewing Bee Beginner Experience! We're super excited to spend several weeks with you, exploring all things bra sewing. We'll be meeting twice a week to step through the process a bit at a time, taking easy stepping stones to create your first bra. 

We've created a variety of things for you to use as you build your understanding of all things bra sewing. You might have already made a couple of attempts on your own, or even been to our Beginner Bee in the past. Our goal for this year is to help you transition from someone with a little or scattered understanding of bra sewing into someone who is prepared to jump in and and begin to walk through this wonderful sewing niche. I love lingerie sewing! It's something that we all wear every day, and it's something that can make all our other clothes look better and help us to feel beautiful and confident. Plus, most makes are fast and the materials won't break the bank! And there's great scope for creativity!

We have a lovely set of things to help you get started, and to make the most out of our time together. I recommend that you seriously consider each element here, because it all plays a part.

  • Sample kits, like our fabrics and elastics samples, will help you understand the distinctions between things as we explore all these fabrics and elastics. 
  • Tools will help you have success with the materials. Even though it isn't on this list, most people prefer to use a rotary cutter and mat for cutting out lingerie. I also use pattern weights rather than pins to minimize distortion. 
  • Water soluble thread is so helpful! You have to complete a garment to check fit, and water soluble thread helps you to harvest and re-use your materials. Just use it in the bobbin. If you like your fit, remember to sew over the water soluble thread with regular thread or it won't be a happy laundry day!
  • So many women say that they are reluctant to cut into their pretty kits, so we've put together practice kits that are made for mistakes! These kits are set up like a regular bra kit and won't have the right materials for either the Jordy or the Loftus. We've put together Muslin Kits for practice materials for these kits. Think about adding some foldover elastic to your practice kit so that you can practice with this also.
  • We'll be sewing either a Jordy or a Loftus bra together, so pick up a pretty kit. We have several to choose from. You'll also need the pattern. Get the Jordy pattern here and the Loftus pattern here. The Jordy is best for smaller cups and the Loftus for medium to larger cups. Neither one of these is likely to be your ultimate daily bra, but they are great for learning all the basics so that you can begin the journey.
  • Our Beginning Bra Builder Bundle is full of fabrics and elastics for your first underwired bra! If you don't pick up the bundle, please consider buying an extra "Kit Cut" of Sheer Cup Lining. This workhorse fabric is inexpensive, and it can be used for all sorts of things. White should be fine (and it's less expensive!).


14 products
  • Bra Bee '24 - Sample Sets
  • Beginner Bra Builder Bundle
  • Sheer Cup Lining (stabilized sheer tricot) Kit Cut
  • Water Soluble Thread & Water Pen
  • 14-in-1 Measuring Tool
  • Air Erasable Markers
  • Bohin Glass Head Ultrafine Pins
  • Bohin Jersey Needles
  • Easy Check Tape Measure
  • Glass Head Silk Pins
  • Schmetz Microtex Needles
  • Sewability Kit
  • Sewer's Aid Lubricant
  • Wonder Clips