Maybe you are familiar with the tale of Rapunzel? She is the maiden locked in a tower without a door or stairs, and her long golden locks as the only way to reach her through her high window. One day, a prince comes by and enchanted by her beautiful singing, devises a plan to rescue her. But did you know that Rapunzel is named for the herb her pregnant mother craved from the garden of a sorceress? When she was born, the sorceress took her as payment for the herb her father had stolen from the garden. When we saw the lovely golden details and floral embroidery on this lace, we couldn't overlook Rapunzel's story. Golden, bright, magical and enchanting, this lace doesn't disappoint! Use this lace over Frost and Topaz fabrics, with Frost, Aegean, Phlox or Topaz accents.
This lace has mechanical give but no stretch, and is embroidered along both edges. The pattern is available continuous, as it is self mirroring. It is 11.5" wide from peak to peak. Please order by the yard.